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Monday, April 09, 2007


So yeah im off to the hospital in about half an hour to check out my wrist.
T'all started 3 or 4 weeks ago, i was playing with my kids, as i often do after a lesson and one of my favourite things to do is to swing them around. Basically grab them by the wrists and use my height and supreme amounts of power to launch them into the air. I havent hurt one of them yet. :D

Only I have come under any pain really, I was swinging a particularly heavy kid around and my wrist went *crack*. I went *ow* and all my kids went *huh?*.
Im not one to complain about physical injuries to anyone really so i waited for a couple of weeks in the hope that it would just get better. During this time my wrist wouldnt stop cracking to itself, and sometimes it really hurt when it did said cracking. So, like the genius i am, i carried on swinging my students around, and lo and behold it cracked again on the same hand. Now that hurt...

So i decided to go to the hospital. However that was about 1 and a half weeks ago and I literally havent had a free day to go to the hospital in all this time, so now im worried that because i've left it so long it will click forever. That be my story for today, and i hope to report to u tomorrow about how good my hand is.


Blogger Mr K said...

Seriously Paul, what is it with you and injuries/obscure illnesses? It's craziness I tell thee! I'm sure the doctors will fix you up.....

5:40 AM

Blogger Kathleen said...

You are just now getting that looked at?? wow... So what's the verdict? 3 hours of silly tests? have to wear a cast?

7:18 AM

Blogger Imperium child said...

uhh yeah i had to leave early so its still undecided im off again tomorrow :D

7:28 AM


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