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Friday, January 12, 2007


As u all probably know i am pretty much the most forgetful preson who ever lived, its amazing i have even remembered to type this!
Yesterday I paid in the latest, on time, bill possibly ever paid ever. Ever ever... ever.
Anyway forgetting my point,.... ah. I was working yesterday and it occured to me that i hadnt paid my bills in a while and this got me worried. I always take my post to work so my co-workers can help me read it, but it seems i had forgotten to do that as well (meh what u gonna do...).
So my manager sat down with me and we went through them all and found that I still had two bills to pay. Much less than i thought, but still i was too late for one of them. However the seconds deadline ran out yesterday and i was working all the way through till 9:00PM.

So my manager phoned up the gas company and was told just to drop it at the security guard on my way home. I went there after school and the guard had not been told... so he wouldnt take it. Fear of loss of job, or some such reason. I had to phone my Japanese friend and have a 3 way conversation over one phone, because neither of us spoke the others language and eventually i got the bill paid at 11:30... how about THAT for close to a deadline :P

I am so annoyed that i cant remember my second main point... kinda proves what iw as saying before. Anyway, next post, sun? mon?, i will be posting pictures of my travels and events in Koriyama... i am so sorry that i have forgotten to do this before, it never even occured to me for some reason.
Peace in.


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