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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It was nice to have a break and all (:P) but i should get back to blogging now. Hehe

Ok so i suppose I'll make this slightly longer, though i really do want to keep the system that i tried earlier. My Wrist.
Good title for the first paragraph. So after i went and saw the doctor and he said it was broken i had a good two weeks to get pity and wait until I could go back to see him, because of training and his office hours. So i finally got back there on tuesday and the first thing he tells me after ive got in is that i dont have a broken wrist.
I am verily confused at this point but after about 10 mins of bad english and calling for nurses he finally gets across that it may instead mean that i have torn my ligaments between a couple of bones... yup, torn ligaments. My history of wierd injuries and illnesses grows i tell thee...

So he gave me an injection, like straight into the bone, almost perpendicular to my hand it was, and that was it. Just after the injection, the doc asked me if i was alrite.
How nice of him, i of course said yes. However not two seconds after he asked me I got hit in the face with mass drowsieness. He was still talking at this point but it was so boring that I just had to daydream. Then not very long after that I heard a very distant *crash* *bang* and opened my eyes to find myself being bodily picked up off the floor and being put on the bed. Apparently id blacked out... 0_o
I was ok tho and am going back next week, for another injection and by then they will have my brace ready.


Blogger Kathleen said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!! You fainted! that's hilarious!!!!!! okay, that's all I had to say....


8:00 AM

Blogger Mr K said...

You know, that kind of makes more sense to me than a broken wrist... I would have imagined that as agony. But what do I know?

I have only ever almost fainted once in my life. I'm not telling that anecdote here, because I come out as an utter wuss. Which I am, but theres no need to emphasise that.

2:13 PM

Blogger Mr K said...

Incidentally, Fred has just bought God of War 2! Red orbs have been mentioned....

Can you see films at all in Japan? They all dubbed, or do they have some subtitled versions you can understand?

7:51 AM


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